

Monday 22 April 2024

Cooling System solved (again)

 I hesitate to say that my cooling system problem has been solved, but I am cautiously optimistic this time.   I felt I had proved that all the problems were caused by a leak somewhere in the system, and I had eventually traced it to the seal between the expansion bottle and the pressure cap.   Although I had tried 3 different caps I decided to try once more.  I also upped the pressure from 20psi to 22psi.

I did about 110 miles yesterday and the temperature gauge hardly moved from about 90℃.  And this morning I checked the water level and it hadn't changed, so maybe it was 4th time lucky ?

We'll see.

Stilton Cheese 2024

Just got back from the Annual Stilton Cheese Run. 
For those who didn’t know, Stilton Cheese was never made at Stilton, it was made in a village called Hungerton in Leicestershire, some 40 miles West. In the early days the cheese was delivered to Stilton by horse and cart via various small villages to eventually sell it to all the people travelling up from London on the Great North Road (now the A1). As such it became known as Stilton Cheese.
Every year, this is celebrated by inviting classic cars to retrace the route along the country roads. We actually start about a third of the way along the route at Uppingham, which is large enough to host the start. Also, rather than just do the straight line we do a semi-random meander around the Leicestershire, Cambridgeshire and Rutland back roads. And we have a break point about half way at New Lodge Farm on the A43 for coffee, loo stop and a hog roast if you are hungry, before finishing at Stilton. As such the run covers maybe 40-50 miles (In my case getting to the start point and getting back from the end point, via a pub lunch, adds another 60 miles so I have covered almost 110 miles today).
Like most events at the moment it has shrunk from it’s heyday pre-pandemic. In previous years they had to limit the turnout to 300 cars. This year they managed to get only150. Having said that there where lots of very interesting cars and I have added a few photos. Similarly I remember the Club submitting 12-15 entries, this year it was just the 3 of us (with 2 wives). A pity, but nevertheless, very enjoyable for all concerned. The weather was perfect, the cars were running beautifully and the roads were narrow and windy.